Kabardunia.co - Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a disease characterized by long-term blood sugar levels above normal. The main types of this disease is diabetes type 1 and type 2.
Diabetics in Indonesia
Indonesia is the largest country including 10 diabetics. In 2013, the diabetics in Indonesia is estimated at about 8.5 million people with an age range of 20-79 years (quoted from the International Diabetes Federation). But less than 50% of them being aware of it.What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes?
It is very important for everyone to know the early symptoms of diabetes. Not only for those at high risk, but also for those of you who feel healthy-healthy only and does not have a history of or potential have diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes can develop quickly in a few weeks, even a few days only. While many people with type 2 diabetes are not aware that they had suffered from diabetes for many years because the symptoms tend to be non-specific. Some of the symptoms of diabetes type 1 and type 2 include:
Often feel thirsty.
Frequent urination, especially at night.
Extreme hunger.
Decline in weight without a clear reason.
There are ketones in the urine. Ketones are a byproduct of the metabolism of muscle and fat that occurs when insulin production is insufficient.
The view is blurry.
Decreased muscle mass.
Luka long recovery.
High blood pressure.
Often experiencing an infection, for example in the gums, skin, vagina, or urinary tract.
The influence of the hormones Insulin and Diabetes
All cells in the human body needs sugar to work normally. The levels of sugar in the blood is usually controlled by the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, the organ that is located behind the stomach.
Sugar substances can get into the body's cells with the help of the hormone insulin to move glucose when food is digested and enters the bloodstream. Glucose is then processed to produce energy in the body.
But the organs inside the body of the pancreas diabetics unable to produce the hormone insulin according to needs of the body. Without insulin, the cells of the body cannot absorb and process glucose into energy.
Overview of Diabetes type 1
People with this type of diabetes is very dependent on insulin because the sufferer's immune system will attack and destroy the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. This triggered an increase in glucose levels so the damage to the organs of the body.
Type 1 diabetics are usually the people who are under the age of 40 years, and generally appear in adolescence or children. Therefore this type of diabetes is also referred to as diabetic children.
Type 1 diabetes is rare in comparison with type 2 diabetes. Only about two people who suffer from type 1 diabetes among the 10 diabetics.
In addition to insulin injections should receive each day, type 1 diabetes sufferers are also advised to keep the glucose levels in the blood to keep it balanced. For example with a healthy eating pattern and blood tests routinely.
Overview of type 2 Diabetes
This is the more common type of diabetes occurs. About 80% of people with diabetes in Indonesia suffer from this type of diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production in the body or the body's cells become less sensitive to insulin. Kekurangpekaan body cells is known by the term resistance to insulin.
The symptoms of this type in diabetics may be controlled with a healthy diet and monitor the levels of glucose in the blood. But berwaspadalah because this disease will continue to thrive in the body and gradually you will need treatment (usually in tablet form).
Type 2 diabetes is often linked with obesity. The higher the body mass index and the risk of this type of diabetes will also be higher. Diabetes due to obesity generally strikes seniors.
The Risk Of Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes also often attacked pregnant mothers because there are some women who have levels of glucose in the blood is very high during pregnancy so that their bodies cannot produce enough insulin to subjugate them. Diabetes is known as gestational diabetes can occur in about two people among 100 women who are pregnant.
Type 1 diabetics who are pregnant will also have a high risk as it can have an impact on the mother and fetus. Because that's very important for pregnant diabetics to maintain balance glucose levels in the blood.
Mothers who are pregnant should more carefully now monitor glucose levels in the blood in the second trimester (weeks 14-26) due to pregnancy diabetes generally develops during this time and will disappear after You give birth.