Kabardunia.co - Colds are the inflammation that occurs in the lining of the nose and throat, causing mucus production becomes more. They are exposed to colds will experience symptoms of throat pain, sneezing, nasal congestion, a runny nose and later even coughing.
Colds are caused by viruses from a group of rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. This condition can be contagious through direct or indirect contact. Examples of transmission through direct contact is when someone accidentally breathing in grain-grain sneezing cold sufferers released in the air. While indirect transmission example is when someone inadvertently holds objects that have been contaminated by the virus from patients with colds, then that person is holding your nose or mouth.

In the first two to three days, the symptoms of colds will usually feels very heavy. Early symptoms which usually appear is pain in the throat which is then followed by other symptoms such as irritation and pain in the nose, sneezing, a runny nose is then blocked. Other symptoms of a cold are malaise, coughing and hoarseness.
In addition, although rare, some patients with colds can also experience symptoms such as muscle pain, ear pain, headaches, watery eyes, fever, and loss of power of smell and taste.
The treatment of common cold
A cold is a viral infection that is relatively mild. When you have a cold, the rest is enough. In addition to drinking plenty of fluids and try to eat healthy foods that contain high fiber and low in fat, like fruits. To relieve symptoms of colds, there are several ways that you can do.
Gargle with salt water. This way it can help relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion and sore throats.
Mengonsumi menthol candies. This way proved effective by some people in relieving pain in the throat.
Use warm balm. This way may relieve symptoms of colds, especially in infants and toddlers. Sweep balm on your back or chest, and do not get into the nostrils, because besides feels poignant, can also interfere with breathing.
Use saline nose drops. This way the same as gargling with salt water, but safer for babies and toddlers. Medications that you can purchase directly at the pharmacy this can relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion.
Inhaling hot water vapor. This way it can help thin the mucus clogs the nose, so easily removed. You can put hot water in a bowl to inhaled the pungent. It would be nice if coupled with other ingredients such as eucalyptus oil or oil of menthol. This method should not be applied in children to prevent them from wounds due to exposure to hot water.
Taking supplements of zinc or zinc. Despite this way may relieve symptoms of colds, the use of zinc supplements in the long term is not recommended because it can cause side effects, such as diarrhea and vomiting.
Medications that can be bought directly in pharmacies. There are some examples of free medication that you can use to relieve symptoms of colds, including decongestants, aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol. Please read the instructions printed on the packaging of medicine regarding the rules to wear before you use it. Ask a doctor first before you provide these medicines in children, in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding women to avoid unwanted side effects.
Spend time with existing doctors, among others, if the symptoms of colds You does not improve or failed to disappear after three weeks. In addition, you are also advised to see a doctor if you experience severe swelling in the lymph nodes in the armpit and neck, difficulty breathing, and feeling the pain in the chest.
Further examination is needed in order to detect any more serious infections such as glandular fever or pneumonia.
Additional tips in dealing with the symptoms of the common cold in children
Keep the room temperature to keep it comfortable for children. Warm and humid temperatures can help relieve breathing. Use the vaporiser for damming the air in the room.
If you experience nasal congestion, tackling their legs with pillows or anything that can make the position their feet a little higher than his body. In this way, however, should not be applied to children who are still under the one year. Other ways to relieve nasal congestion in children is by bathing them using warm water.
It is advisable to see a doctor if:
Symptoms of colds in children has been going on for more than ten days with coughs that issued a thick phlegm.
You have a baby under the age of three months with symptoms of fever.
Your child is still feeling the pain in nasal passages while handling tips at home had applied for two to four days.
Children still feel the soreness of the throat for more than four days, or increasingly severe throat pain.
Children having trouble breathing.
The child looks to experience pain in the ears.
Your child looks to experience symptoms, headache, pain, and swelling of the face or the chest, and pain in the throat.
Prevention of colds
Prevent is better than cure. There are some steps that we can do to avoid colds, among them is to keep your distance to the sufferer until he recovers, routine hand washing to clean, clean the surface of the objects that can be plastered virus, and not sharing personal items and eating or drinking utensils with others.
If you are suffering from colds, bersinlah covered with paper towels so that the virus has not spread to the surrounding environment. After that clean your hands with water and pat dry with paper towels.
Complications of colds
Although relatively rare, there are some complications that can be caused by colds. These complications include:
Infections of the respiratory system. The symptoms of this condition include difficult breathing and coughing with phlegm is thick. Chest infections can occur after someone suffered colds because that's when the immune system decline. You are advised to see a doctor if you feel the symptoms of more than three weeks of pain in the chest, high fever, disorientation, and a cough accompanied by thick phlegm. There are two types of main respiratory system infection, namely pneumonia and bronchitis.
The middle part of the ear infection. Sufferers of this condition are mostly children. As many as 2 out of 10 toddlers experiencing a cold sufferer middle ear infections, but the majority of cases managed to recover on its own without treatment. Middle ear infection symptoms including fever, decreased hearing power, lethargy, vomiting, and pain in the ear.
Sinusitis or infections in the air cavity in the cheekbones and forehead. The symptoms of this condition include nasal congestion or a runny nose, as well as pain around the nose, forehead, and eyes. Sinusitis may be experienced by 2 out of 100 patients with colds. And most can be cured by itself without the need to be treated.