Understanding color blindness

Kabardunia.co - Color blindness is lack of vision on color. The eyes will not see color as usually if there is a problem with the pigment on the color receptors. If one of the pigments is missing, then the eye will have trouble viewing certain colors. Sufferers of color blindness can be difficult to see the color red, green, blue, or a mixture of these colors. However, in the conditions of the patients with total Color blindness, there are no color that can be seen at all and it is very rare.


Sufferers of color blindness might just get to see some of the tint, while most people can see hundreds of colors. For example, there are people with color blindness are unable to distinguish between red and green, but can see blue and yellow colors with ease. Some people don't even realize that her experience color blindness until they undergo the test color vision.
Type-the type of color blindness

Type the most common color blindness is color blind merah-hijau. Men have a tendency to experience this type of color blindness is greater compared to the women. People who experience this type of color blindness can be hard to distinguish gradations of red, yellow, and green. In some cases, there are also difficult to distinguish between the colours red and black.

The type of color blindness are the most rare are blue-yellow color blindness. The type of color blindness is associated with the sex chromosomes. Men and women have the same opportunities to experience this type of color blindness. People who experience this type of color blindness have difficulty distinguishing tint blue to green. Yellow color can seem as gray or purple while the Green look bluish.

In many cases, color blindness is a genetic factor of a parent, but may occur as a result of side effects from a medicine or health disorders that have been there before. If there is a colour vision receptor doesn't function normally, then the eyes can not see the full spectrum of colors.

See the colors across the spectrum of light beginning with the eye's ability to distinguish the primary colors, such as red, blue, and green. There are several causes of someone having color blindness, among which are:

The Disease. There are a number of diseases that can cause color blindness, such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, glaucoma, optic neuritis, leukemia, diabetes, chronic alcoholics, macular degeneration, and sickle cell anemia.
Age. A person's ability to distinguish the colors will slowly diminish as you get older. This is a natural thing in the process of aging and need not be troubled by excessive.
Genetic factors. Most sufferers of color blindness from birth and experience it is a genetic factor passed down by parents. Sufferers of color blindness as a result of genetic factors is much more common in men than women.
Chemicals. A person can suffer color blindness if exposed to toxic chemicals in the workplace e.g., as carbon disulfide and fertilizer.
A side effect of certain medications. Some treatment potentially cause color blindness, such as digoxin, pheytoin, chloroquine and sildenafil which is also known as Viagra. If the disruption caused by the treatment, usually sight will return to normal after stopping taking the drug.


Most cases color blindness is caused by genetic factors, but the ability to digest the color can also be influenced by the underlying eye condition. There are several tests that can be performed to diagnose color blindness, among which are:

Ishihara Test. The most common test used to diagnose color blindness and could only diagnose the condition of red/green color blindness. To diagnose color blindness, blue/yellow, other tests are needed.
Test preparation. This test is done by arranging the color object in the order of a different tint then the patient will be asked to arrange the objects according to the tint that he saw.

Many sufferers of color blindness learn to adapt and find ways to address the problem of distinguishing colors. To date there has been no drugs or methods to cure color blindness.

Color blindness symptoms can be reduced by using alternative treatment or treatment of the underlying condition if color blindness suffered due to certain medications or health disorders that have been there before.

A child's learning experiences will be affected, it is very important to recognize color blindness since the beginning. Children who experience color blindness may find difficulty in school if the teacher does not know about this problem. In addition, this condition can also affect the choice of a job that requires the introduction of color accurately, such as drivers, guides, pilots, air traffic and electricity experts.

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